
SugarCRM Reveals Results of 2010 Social CRM Survey


Latest Results Show Slow Adoption Rate of Social CRM, Early Adopters Enjoying Competitive Advantage

SugarCRM, the world’s fastest growing customer relationship management (CRM) company, today announced the results of its 2010 Social CRM Survey. The poll’s results reinforced the notion that in the year 2010, CRM practitioners have been slow to embrace social. Those that have chosen to take advantage of this new technology have enjoyed a competitive advantage in the market and a considerable return on investment, placing them firmly ahead of their challengers.

Tweet this: SugarCRM unveils social CRM survey results. Slow enterprise adoption in 2010, but big ROI. 2011 points to market embracing social.

Survey Results

After reviewing the results, the discrepancies among the responses become obvious. Over half of those polled indicated that social networks have helped their business become more successful, yet only 26 percent of respondents currently utilize this priceless social network information.

According to the survey, 2011 will bring much change to the CRM market; virtually all of the respondents agreed that over the course of the New Year they planned to integrate their customers’ social networking information into their existing CRM data. While nearly half of all respondents stated that having social CRM capabilities would impact their decision-making when purchasing their company’s next CRM system, it’s clear that social CRM will become a staple in the market by 2012.

Some companies have chosen to lead the charge on social CRM, and upgrade their CRM software before it becomes an industry norm. Insource Performance Solutions, a SugarCRM customer, is one of those companies.

“The integration between InsideView and SugarCRM allows us to leverage social media and other real time data sources to our advantage, all in a simple-to-consume, automated format,” said Chip Meyers, sales operations manager for Insource. “The merging of social and CRM system data gives us a competitive edge.”


Contivio.com與SugarCRM簽署OEM協(xié)議 2011-01-19
SugarCRM牽手銳孚方信引入客戶關系管理應用 2010-09-13
SugarCRM:商業(yè)與開源 兼容并蓄 2009-05-27
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熱點專題:  客戶關系管理-CRM    SaaS
分類信息:  SaaS_與_CRM
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