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[英文]韓國信用卡公司Hana Card為3G視頻呼叫中心選擇IVVR服務(wù)
Hana Card picks Real IVVR service for 3G video call centre


Digital entertainment services company RealNetworks has deployed its Interactive Voice and Video Response technology for Korean credit card company Hana Card's 3G video customer service centre. By updating its customer service call centre with Real's IVVR technology, Hana Card provides its customers with interactive user interfaces featuring instructive images and video clips. Customers will be able to troubleshoot and check account information. Real's IVVR technology also enables Hana Card to accommodate its hearing-impaired and elderly customers.


融合通信專欄:Dialogic 產(chǎn)品資料下載 2010-10-21
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熱點專題:  呼叫中心    3G應(yīng)用   3G視頻
分類信息:  3G應(yīng)用_與_3G視頻  3G應(yīng)用_與_呼叫中心  3G應(yīng)用_與_國外動態(tài)  3G應(yīng)用_與_移動

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