
Verint Placed in Leading Industry Analyst Firm's Magic Quadrant for Contact Center Workforce Optimization


Verint® Systems Inc today announced its position in the Leaders Quadrant of Gartner’s new Magic Quadrant for Contact Center Workforce Optimization, as published October 27, 2010.

On an annual basis, research and advisory firm Gartner, Inc. evaluates the contact center workforce optimization (WFO) technology landscape and positions contact center WFO providers in one of four quadrants based on an evaluation of their completeness of vision and ability to execute. According to the firm, “Leaders in the WFO market provide functionally broad and deep [through] WFO software solutions that can be deployed and supported globally. These solutions are suitable for all sizes and complexities of enterprises, and have broad industry coverage. Revenue is strong, and new references are readily available.”

“Our customers are driving this momentum for Verint—both around the contact center and in expanding our solutions into other customer-impacting parts of the enterprise, including back-office operations and remote/branch office environments,” says Nancy Treaster, senior vice president and general manager, Verint Witness Actionable Solutions®.

Verint’s Magic Quadrant standing is based on the company’s ability to execute—covering such aspects as its product/service solution set, overall viability, sales execution/pricing, market responsiveness and track record, marketing execution, customer experience and operations—and its completeness of vision, which includes innovation, market understanding, marketing strategy, sales strategy, offering/product strategy, business model, vertical/industry strategy and geographic strategy as evaluation criteria.

Regarding the WFO market at-large, the Gartner research states that “increased organizational awareness surrounding the value proposition associated with WFO and growing maturity of the existing solutions is fuelling market adoption.” The report also states that “the ability for a WFO solution to improve operational efficiency and at the same time drive interaction effectiveness is a key ‘win win’ for contact centers under pressure to deliver a positive customer experience and potentially increase revenues, without relaxing efficiency goals.”


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