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2015-01-30 16:55:55   作者:   來源:花橋金融外包研究中心   評論:0  點擊:

  IBM的SoftLayer云服務的業(yè)務主管已經(jīng)離開公司,在此之后IBM任命另一位高管領導一個新的云計算部門。“我們希望在追求新的努力之前, Lance Crosby最好的是得到他應得的休息,”IBM在星期三的一份聲明中聲稱,確認他的離去。


  IBM's SoftLayer chief departs amid cloud transition

  Ledger-Enquirer.com|Thursday, January 29, 2015

  The head of IBM's SoftLayer cloud services business has left the company, hard on the heels of IBM naming another executive to lead a new cloud division.

  "We wish Lance Crosby the best as he takes a well-deserved break before pursuing new endeavors," IBM said in a statement Wednesday, confirming his departure.

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