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2015-03-26 13:48:45   作者:陳靜   來源:花橋金融外包研究中心   評論:0  點(diǎn)擊:






  Network Rail may Sell Telecommunications Rights

  Recently renationalised Network Rail may be forced to sell its telecoms work to the Department for Transport (DfT).

  Private sector providers such as O2, BT and Vodafone could begin providing Wi-Fi services and transmitting signalling information to train drivers, as part of plans brought about by the DfT to either outsource the rights through a long-term travel and transport contract or sell them off entirely.

  A Network Rail source told the Independent that “the work could still be kept in-house, but one of the views at DfT is that Network Rail is too big – and they don’t think this is a core business.”

  A final decision is expected this summer. 

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