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2014-10-15 15:22:52   作者:   來源:CTI論壇   評論:0  點擊:


John Jansen was appointed Director of International Marketing for Interactive Intelligence in January of 2012 and has recently been promoted to Vice President.  Jansen, a native of the Netherlands, joined Interactive from the consumer goods industry, where he held international marketing leadership roles at Gillette and Procter & Gamble.

Within Gillette and Proctor & Gamble, Jansen covered marketing communications, product, trade and B2B marketing, mostly on the Duracell brand.

Jansen joined Duracell in the Benelux in 1991 as Product Manager and ultimately served as Business Unit Director for Duracell and Stationery Products (Parker, Papermate, Waterman) before moving to the US in 2001, where Jansen led Global Marketing programs for Duracell as part of Procter and Gamble through 2007.

In addition, Jansen held marketing positions at Whirpool (household appliance) and Trust (computer peripherals) in the Netherlands.

Jansen has a bachelor's degree in international business and languages from Rotterdam University, a master's in marketing from NIMA in Amsterdam and a post-graduate from Chicago School of Business.


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